added 1836    05-07-2024
Volga Records Website
Volga Records Website

Now!  All Records of the Volga German Villages
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                          Recordsadded 1858   03-12-2024

If you need images of your families records (and I have them), please
click here

Please check back often.
We may not have what you are looking for today, but may have it tomorrow!

Catholic Parish Records

Bergseite Parishes
"mountain side" or "hill side"

Göbel Parish -- formed 1894 (from Semenovka Parish)
1894-1918 (Göbel Village only)

Hildmann Parish -- formed 1896
Hildmann and Leichtling Villages
See also Hildmann Village Civic records (continues after 1917)

Husaren Parish -- formed 1873
1873 - 1903 (Husaren and Vollmer Villages)
1903 -  on (Husaren Village only)

Kamenka Parish -- formed before 1803
1803 - 1849 (Kamenka, Pfeifer, Hildmann, and Husaren villages)
1849 - 1872  (Kamenka,  Pfeifer, Husaren)


Köhler Parish -- formed 1849
1849 -  (Köhler, Leichtling, and Hildmann villages)

See also Köhler Village Civic records (continues after 1917)

Marienfeld Parish -- formed 1859
1859 - 1915 (Marienfeld, Josefstal, and Kamyshin villages)
See also Josefstal Village Civic records (continues after 1917)
See also Marienfeld Village Civic records (continues after 1917)

Pfeifer Parish -- formed 1870
1870 - (Pfeifer village only)
See also Pfeifer Village Civic records (continues after 1917)

Rothammel Parish -- formed 1852
1789 - 1852  Schuck Parish

1852 - 1917 Rothammel Parish formed from Rothammel and Seewald villages


Schuck Parish -- formed 1789 (or earlier)
1789 - 1802  Schuck, 
Rothammel,  Volmer, Seewald, Degott
1803 - 1817  Schuck, Rothammel (till 1852), Volmer, Degott, Seewald)


Semenovka Parish -- formed 1803 (or earlier)
1803 - 1849  (Semenovka, Leichtling, Köhler, and Göbel villages)
1849 - 1897  (Semenovka City and Göbel village)
added 1836  04-30-2024
1797 - 1917  (Semenovka City only)

Volmer Parish -- formed 1903
1903 - 1917  (Vollmer Village only)

Wiesenseite Parishes
"meadow side"

Brabander Parish -- formed 1803
1803 -  (Brabander and Dehler villages)


Dehler Parish -- formed 1894
1894 -  (Dehler village only)

Graf Parish -- formed 1882
Graf village only


Herzog Parish -- formed 1901
Herzog village only

Hölzel Parish -- formed 1918?
Hölzel village only

Katharinenstadt Parish -- formed 1766 
(Katharinestadt,  Obermonjou, Beauregard, and Orloskoii Villages)

Marienberg Parish -- formed by 1862
1862 to 1903 (Marienberg and Streckerau Villages)
1903 - on (Marienberg Village only)


Mariental Parish -- formed by 1789
(Mariental, Herzog, Graf, Rohleder, and Louis villages)
1801 on (Mariental and Louis villages)


Neu-Kolonie Parish -- formed 1860
1860-1917 Neu-Kolonie village only


Preuss Parish -- formed by 1920
Preuss Village only


Rohleder Parish  -- formed 1801
1801 on (Rohleder, Herzog, and Graf villages)

Schönchen (Schoenchen) Parish -- formed 1803
1801-1814 (Schoenchen, Zug, Lucerne, and Wittman villages)


Seelmann Parish -- formed 1797
Seelmann,  Neu-Kolonie, Hölzel, and Preuss
1860-1874 added
Marienberg, and Streckeau Villages
1874-1821 Seelmann,  Neu-Kolonie, Hölzel, and Preuss


Streckerau Parish -- formed 1903
1903-1917 Streckerau Village only.

Lutheran Village Records

Bangert Village
1794-1811 Births
Completed (as much as we have)

Biberstein Village
1844-1865 Births
Completed (as much as we have) 

Dinkel Village
1794-1811 Births
Completed (as much as we have)

Lauwe Village
1794-1811 Births

Messer Village
1791-1820 Births

Schulz Village
1844-1865 Births
by Alexander Schmidt
Completed (as much as we have)

Warenburg Village
1794-1810 Births
1812-1825 Births  - added 1818 births 04-29-2024
byTom Herget
Completed (as much as we have)

Lutheran Church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885
Hosted by the LDS Church **
Partial name index and images of baptisms/births, marriages, and burials/deaths in the St. Petersburg Lutheran Consistory which covered parishes in the northern, western, and southern areas of the Russian Empire. It was one of two Lutheran consistories, the other being Moscow, which covered the Volga Region. Lutherans in the Empire were virtually all of German ethnic derivation. Many emigrated to North America in the late 19th century. To go to this website
Click Here
You will be leaving this website to go to another website!

** We do not host this website or the information. It is only a resource offered here

Russian Civic Records

    The records from 1918 into the 1920’s are not Catholic or Lutheran church records. They are “Civil Records”. These are NOT kept by the Catholic or Lutheran Churches but, by the Russian Government. 

    The Russian Revolution started in 1917. It took a while before disbanding the Catholic and Lutheran churches. Perhaps in 1918 or so.

    That is when the Catholic Parish records stop. Some kept going for a while into 1918 – 1920 but, very few.

   The “Russian Civil Records” start in 1919 taking the place of the church records. These were maintained by the Russian Government. 

    The records were kept by each VILLAGE by that village.. (not in a group of village like the Parish records were.


Josefstal Village

Köhler Village

Marienfeld Village

Pfeifer Village


Census Records

05-01-2024 -- Added 1841 Semenovka Parish death records
by Extracted by Regina Remisch & Alexander Schmidt

05-02-2024 -- Added 1838 Preuss Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd

05-02-2024 -- Added 1849 Semenovka Parish death records
by Alexander Schmidt

05-04-2024 -- Added 1842 Semenovka Parish death records
by Extracted by Regina Remisch & Alexander Schmidt

05-05-2024 -- Added 1835 Brabander Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd

05-06-2024 -- Added 1837 Preuss Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd

05-07-2024 -- Added 1836 Preuss Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd

05-07-2024 -- Added 1835 Preuss Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd

05-08-2024 -- Added 1843 Semenovka Parish death records
by Extracted by Regina Remisch & Alexander Schmidt

05-08-2024 -- Added 1833-1834 Brabander Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd

05-10-2024 -- Added 1834 Preuss Parish death records
by Darryl Boyd


Excellent Map of the Volga River Villages

Click Here

Parish Formations
Shows when parishes were formed and, from what parish it came
Also show villages and what parish they were in..

Village Index Information Page

You should read this before opening any index's to the parishes

PDF format
Word Doc format

Village to Parish Chart
Shows what Parish a village is in and other information
Click Here

This information is only partly complete.
This is the old outdated version and it could have errors!

Volga German Institute @ University of North Florida , Florida

If you need images of your families records
(and - I have them),
you may request them

Remember, after 1850 the records are in the Russian language and you may not be able to understand them.

f you request a record from me, PLEASE put it in this form For each request!

Request ______       (example 1)

1)    Given Name (Nombre de pila - Vorname):

2)    Surname (Apellido - Nachname):

3)    Parish (Parroquia - Gemeinde):

4)    Year (Año - Jahr):

5)    Event (Evento - Ereignis - birth, marr, or death):

6)    Day of event (birth, marriage, death):

7)    Month of event (birth, marriage, death):

8)    Line #  (Linie # - Línea #):

9)    Parents (If available) (Padres - Eltern):

10)  Image # (If available) (Imagen # - Bildnummer):

Send to:

I have to limit requests to no more then 4 requests at a time.
You can also request these records at the Russian Archives.

Q. May I put my parish records here on this website?
A. YES, you may. and we would be honored to work with you to this end.
(sorry, no individual records as in one or two)

Q. Do I have to offer my images" as part of this deal?
A. Absolutly not. It is not a requirement.   Information is what is important.

Q. Will you give "credit" for my work or for the work of others who helped with these records?
A. Absolutly. I always insist on giving credit to those who have done the "hard work". Unless they insist otherwise.  I can credit them any "way" you would like. 

Q. How do I contact you to accomplish this?
A. Please see the email address below. It is monitored constantly.

Q. Will this site be made into a "paid" site in the future?
A. NO. Never. "Free or taken down" is our motto.

All questions, comments, errors, or "bugs" about this site should be sent to:

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No commercial use of these records without express written permission.
Unless otherwise indicated, you may view, download, and print materials from this site only for your personal, noncommercial use only.
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